Run for Elected Office
NASW California Chapter Elections
NASW is member-driven through a democratically elected Board of Directors, which supports the Chapter's efforts to represent all social workers in California through benefits, programming, legislative advocacy, and capacity-building opportunities and efforts.
Candidates for the elected positions are nominated by the democratically elected Committee on Nominations and Leadership Identification (CNLI). Serving
as an elected leader of NASW allows a social worker to give back to the profession and includes valuable training, experience, and networking opportunities.
Note: Membership within NASW-CA is required for all elected roles within the Chapter at the time the official slate is developed. If you are not yet a member but wish to nominate yourself (or a non-member) for an elected position, we encourage you to do so. However, you will be required to become a member of NASW-CA prior to being listed on a formal election ballot, and to remain a NASW-CA member for the duration of any elected position.
Election Forms
Annual Elections
The chapter holds elections annually with about one third to one half of the positions elected each year. The positions are three year terms with the exception of the student directors, which is one year, and the Committee on Nominations and leadership Identification (CNLI), which is two-year. Delegate Assembly members are elected every three years for three-year terms.
Leadership Position Descriptions
Each leadership role within NASW-CA serves an important function to the Chapter's efforts. Please review the NASW-CA Board and Leadership Position Descriptions for an overview of the role.
While time dedicated to each volunteer leadership position varies from role to role, all Board of Directors members are expected to attend four (4) Board of Directors meetings per year (hybrid participation options available). CNLI members are expected to attend 2-3 meetings per year, with candidate outreach activities assigned between meetings near the latter half of the year.
Board Meetings
There are four Board of Directors meetings per year and there are additional meetings locally and regionally for regional officers (Regional Directors and Assistant Regional Directors). The Chapter covers
the cost of travel, room, and board for these meetings. Election Schedule
- December - Deadline for state nominations
- January - Chapter Board of Directors adopts preliminary slate of candidates
- February - Preliminary slate announced, petition process for additional candidates open for 21 days
- March - Polls Open - ballots sent via email to all active NASW-CA members and open for 21 days
- April – Candidates Notified of Election Results
- May - Election Results Posted
- June - Leadership Retreat for all new and returning elected leaders (in person)
- July 1 – Term Starts
Terms of Office
The term of office shall commence July 1. The Board of Director and Delegate Assembly Positions will be for three (3) years, except for student members, who shall serve one-year terms. Committee on Nominations and Leadership Identification (CNLI) Positions will be for two (2) years. No member shall serve more than a total of six (6) consecutive years of service on the Board. Executive Board Members (including three Members At Large, VP of Finance, Board President, Secretary, and Treasurer) may serve only one three-year term in a single Executive Board position, but may run for an additional term within a different Board of Directors role.
Open Positions - 2025
2025 Open Positions include the following. Only one position per role is available unless otherwise noted.
Regional Director, Region A | Assistant Regional Director, Region A | Assistant Regional Director, Region B | Assistant Regional Director, Region E | Assistant Regional Director, Region F | Student Director, North BSW | Student Director South | Delegate Assembly Region D | Nominations & Leadership, Chair | Nominations & Leadership, Region A | Nominations & Leadership, Region B | Nominations & Leadership, Region C | Nominations & Leadership, Region E | Nominations and Leadership, Region F |